It's one of those days again. Last night I was feeling good. After batting the forces of CPU-evil, I felt that I had finally conquered. At long last my comptuer problems were over. I had a nice new harddrive, projects to work on, and nice speedy internet.
That was, until today. Today my harddrive died. The SAME harddrive I bought yesterday. I'm thinking exactly what you might be thinking... how could this happen? Why has fate cursed Marcus' computers so? Who knows... its annoying more than anything. I wasn't even upset when the drive died. I mean, I lost a little data... a few programs here and there and a couple of designs I made..(which I sorta backed up)...but I mean the drive is dead. I think that's a sign that
(a) the power supply is destroying my harddrives faster than shoes stepping on an anthill
(b) the power supply isn't the issue and it might be a short on my motherboard which I will
(b) the power supply isn't the issue and it might be a short on my motherboard which I will
NEVER find
(c) my computer is possessed by a demon that likes to kill my harddrives... the day after I buy them
(d) there is a problem with the wiring in my room, which is causing my hardware to short out.
Whatever the case, its hella annoying. I was looking forward to sitting in my room obsessively working on my latest project, an uber-cool clothing line me and some guys are throwing together. I'm the resident design head...so at first all the work will fall on me... in fact I have to design backgrounds, draw characters and do 100% of design work... alas...woe is me. Either way I came up with some really sweet designs...but they are now gone to harddrive heaven. I backed up most of my stuff yesterday (i think) and I"m praying I didn't not do it.
Yes, "didn't not do it" is functional English when you are as frustrated as I am. In a fit of rage I thought i'd buy my friends better, highly stable machine to the tune of 300 bucks, but i"m not sure yet. Maybe I should invest in a cheap dell with three year warranty just in case my room is hot wired to fry my computer circuitry.
That aside, I have some interesting news. I got some information today about a Master's program at NYU that I MAY *crosses fingers* get access to in the near future. An old screenplay I was working on might just be the thing to get me in the good graces of NYU's board of people who pick master's-program-wanna-bes like myself. If I was to qualify, I would feel awesome. I'd be doing next level education at one of the most popular and well-connected schools on the planet! But I get ahead of myself.
Maybe if I didn't get those news I'd be in my room right now, tearing out my hair and stuffing it into my DVD-rom drive. Thankfully, i'm sitting in the school lab again. I feel winded and I haven't written anything since last week... these computer issues are draining my energy, plus I have classes to prepare for each night. The subsequent delays of the computer's iffy behaviour push me further and furhter into the night, compromising my sleep/eating time.
Keep me in your thoughts people! Till such time... :p*
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