My title is horibbly deceptive. Last week wasn't the greatest week, but I did feel like I accomplished a lot. With an 18 credit load, lack of sleep and feelings of mania crawling up my back, I still managed to do a lot of design-work, kept blogging and deal with my course load for classes.
My most interesting part of last week were my late night trips to Kinko's to make this birthday gift for my ex-girlfriend. Yes, yes, I know what you are saying, I'm a loser.
I went to a meeting today for my school paper and one of the offered articles related to OCD. I wonder if I have a compulsion when it comes to design and writing. Maybe its my outlet, or my mojo or whatever. But there was one night after traveling for about an hour in total time (walking, waiting on bus, then walking some more) the Kinkos I went to was locked. I thought about smashing the large glass pane and doing my copying then. But I doubt the officers would believe I was trying to spend a few bucks doing copies.
So it was a long, involved week, with emotional ups and downs, and the release of that emotion during the weekend. It got released because the week ended. Today was an amazingly productive day. I did a ton of homework, two cartoons for the day, a presentation for class, and i"M about to start doing some script editing. Maybe I'm not doing as much as say--the CEO of GE, but i'm trying to maintain. I'm idle and e-mailing random people on the "w4m" section of Craigslist as a social experiment. Who knows, maybe it will give me something to write home about.
1 comment:
working on a birthday gift..hrm.
if i didn't know u, i'd say u WERE a loser. but alas, real love is pure to the point of wanting happiness for someone irregardless of if they make u happy or not.
what a conundrum.....love...life...and love again
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