Sunday, June 15, 2008

Germany Day 3: Yes, all Germans are tall people :p

Ladies and gentlemen, I can check a goal off my life list.

Last night I partied in a few German clubs, and danced to house music. I must have be sixteen when I first thought of doing this, so i'm happy to say that i've been able to achieve this goal... a measley ten years later.

I participated in something called a "Pub Crawl", which essentially gives you access to a lot of clubs, and bars for the price tag of 12 euros. A person who lives in the city (with nothing to do on a Friday night apparently) takes dozens of tourists looking to "see Berlin" on a hit-parade of popular bars and clubs. I took this experience with a grain of salt. The crawl gives you access to people to talk to and places to go, but I was a little annoyed with the usual antics of the Americans and Canadians I was hanging with.

No offense to Americans, but there have been two nights that I raised my eyebrow since i've been in Europe. The first was in France, when I went to an Irish bar for about an hour and felt like I was in Washington D.C again, and promptly left. The second was last night (or this morning if you are being technical). The nature of "American culture" is fascinating. Any large group of Americans has a lot of hooting and hollering and people trying to get VERY VERY drunk. Also 99% of the crowd was wearing plain t-shirts and shorts. I was the most dressed up person in a crowd of at least 60.

That aside, it wasn't that bad. After all, I don't hate Americans, and I live in the country! haha.

Some cool moments were dancing to minimalist music in a place called "Rudubar" this is near some street called "Brugerstalle" (Burgerstra-see). Our guides walked with back packs full of alcohol and gave it to us after every bar stop. So I bought drinks at pretty much every bar, then had shots after each bar... needless to say, I got a little drunk.

I'm staying by this hostel near a train station called Johannowitzburke, and I brought my bike I rented the whole way. IT was another character in the night, me and my bike. Lots of fun.I met a lot of girls but most of them were traveling in pairs, large groups, or leaving the next day.


All in all it was a good experience. I had trouble talking to German girls in the club. I actually got "the hand" from a girl who was dancing directly in front of me! I've never gotten "the hand" from a girl EVER. But this is Germany... I guess a little bit of coldness is expected. All I said was "halo."

The night ended at this place called "The Matrix" which is the first place i've seen with large, white bouncers. Forgive me, but every bar i've been to in the states has massive black bouncers. This place had true German stock. When I was walking into the club, I started entering the wrong way. The bouncer barked at me in German and lightly (trust me, lightly) shoved me in the right direction. I floated to the side like a sheet of paper. I didn't want to know what happened to people who pissed those bouncers off.

Inside was like any other club, except a lot of the people were tall and blonde. This I found strange, because walking around Germany I haven't seen many "very" blonde people, but people are definitely taller here. Standing at 6'1 I'm not really at much of an advantage here.

So... I think I had one more drink that place, danced on some pole with a few girls and then headed home. I was TIRED... I wasn't sure if it was riding around all day on the bike, or some post-France lag that's affecting me. In the club I didn't even make an attempt to chat to any of the german girls. I couldnt' bother. I had a nice shirt on, that said "I'D FCUK ME", but for the entire night, the shirt seemed to amuse (and attract) more men than women. I didn't care. I was in Germany baby!

At some point I grabbed my bike and took the train back to Johannowitzburke. I turned on the light and whizzed home. The dude staying in the bed beside me is from Japan, and i swear, I was speaking to him in perfect Japanese for a few minutes before I crashed and fell into dreamland. I don't know why I speak better Japanese when i'm drunk, but it doesn't matter. I drunk Skype dialed the girl of my dreams and left her a voice message.

One day I will laugh and say, " I drunk Skyped this chick once!" to which another drunk person will say, "Dude, you drunk Skyped someone? Awesome!"

Here's to Saturday night in Germany.

Cheers mate!

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