Sunday, March 23, 2008

Buzzed and Blogging [Tasty Hotel Party Details]

[Sunday, March 23, 2008]

I always thought certain things on TV weren't true. I've seen a ton of television shows with the starving artist type, a writer fresh out of a divorce or something especially hurtful a lot of people can relate to. On screen we see the writer, hair frazzled, dressed in dirty clothes drinking from a bottle. In this drunken state, the writer types away, hitting the high notes on incredible prose. I never usually believed these portrayals, because of course, the guy is an actor. The liquid in the bottle is probably apple juice, and the prose was written by a real writer locked up in a tiny apartment somewhere with a few vials of coke, a few red bulls and some imported ass. I didn't really believe those portrayals really, but last night it hit home.

In the blog I wrote before this, I can't believe how honestly I wrote about such a sensitive issue as it related to my ex-girlfriends. I had a lot to drink, (as any well to do birthday boy would ) and honestly, the way the blog was written surprised me. It sounded a bit prophetic, amazingly reflective and serious.

So maybe these portrayals aren't a crock of -ish. Maybe sometimes you need to be in a odd state of shock, or be dulled into a state of creative bliss with alcohol. Who knows. After reading the blog, I realize that I didn't write the blog feeling pained up, or even filled with regret. Mind you, I woke up the next day, challenged a little bit with those memories from the past that any Ex generates. Sexual longing, little moments of laughter watching a movie. The quiet drives to nowhere.

At the very least, I'm glad I write my thoughts down in a way that others can see, and that I can relate to. There are moods I've been in that I can never imagine a few months later, but when I read what I wrote about it, I'm like "Damn dude, what the hell was going on?"

I like the portrayal of a writer as a sort of crazy, semi-drugged up guy with a seemingly endless well of passion within him or herself. I've been there, writing for so long I don't' eat. I've gone to bars and stood mute for hours, watching social interactions to get better descriptive techniques in my mind. Writing is crazy. It is nonsensical. I know now why not everyone does it.

This has been my birthday weekend, and its been VERY crazy in some ways. One day, in a tell all book, I might give a few tidbits, but its the usual cocktail ladies and gents. Alcohol, Women and Drugs, as predicted.

But i'm a writer, and I've decide to put a snippet of what i'm writing here. Like I said, one day the full details might surface, or they may not. Anyone who requests more, I'll e-mail them the rest of what I have. [En-Joy]


March 20th, 2008. 10:50 p.m

I spend the next hour or so talking to a cute girl from Boston. She’s leaving the next day, and I toy with the idea of trying to make out with her near the bathrooms but I toss it aside.

There is a bartender at the restaurant I’ve always wanted to hook up with, this gorgeous brunette that reminds me of a young Winona Ryder.

The crowd is a mixture of middle-eastern looking folk and capitol hill types. I hang with two girls for a while, Billie and Jordan. Billie is celebrating her birthday as well, and Jordan is one of her closest friends. I make small talk and snap a few pictures with my digital SLR.

I’m waiting on Amy to call me. After breaking open my emotional dam to Jen, I’m dying to see her. Her words gave me the final bit of strength in what I had to say. I was happy to be a priority for her tonight.

I end up being wrong.

Its almost 2 a.m and I realize I’m not going to get the call. I text her to see whats up, and she tells me she don’t think she’ll make it. My heart sinks to the floor. I can’t believe it, because I really needed the buttress of seeing her. I wanted a kiss, or a hug. I wanted to just see her and smile. That is all I would have needed.

Patrick comes over and rests a massive paw on my shoulder.

“We are heading out in ten minutes. Did you drive here? “ he says.

“No, I walked.”

“Okay. You can ride with us.” He says.

With that, it was confirmed. I was going to the drug party.


Yoshi is hopping up and down in a strange way. “ I have to pee pee.” He says with a chuckle. I laugh. Patrick’s girlfriend hops out to grab some water from the seven eleven. Two other guys go to find their car to get parking. As we walk inside the hotel, I swear I can hear the a Quentin Tarantino soundtrack play in my head. The atmosphere was a hybridization of the 70’s era, laid to the back drop of contemporary interior decorating. The hotel has a lime green décor, and the walls are dotted with amateurish pictures of non-famous people. The place is clean and very hip. This is definitely a place do have an after party.

The room is great. I notice a few books laying by a wall that is covered in mirrors. A large tv-set attached to a swivel is facing the group. A small table in the left corner of the room is filled with DVDs, bottles of water and small snacks. We all file in and I slump to the floor. It’s a bunch of guys and one girl, but the vibe is cool. I’ve done this before, the party-hard then party-harder and get fucked up vibe. Everyone sits in a semi-circle of sorts, staring at nothing. A few of Patrick’s friends have this look in their eyes, a glazed looked that suggest a longing for something. It is a manifestation of group think, the leader and alpha male providing for his flock. Soon it happens.

[ end of snippet ]


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