Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hello, Konnichiwa, Ni Hao, Halo 2008.

Its the first of the new year and I'm sitting in my study, thinking about the last three weeks.

It seems to be a hazy blur of strong drinks and beautiful women dressed in cute dresses, images of teeth biting into jerk chicken and random run-ins with celebrities, rich-kids and long time friends. I realize that I have not spent a night home in almost an entire month.

This doesn't matter, because partying is good if you have something left to do after you expend all that energy. I spent the day with my family at a friend's house. We ate, we danced, we sang along to some popular songs. I spoke about the year and my plans with a good friend of mine and ate some more chicken.

Thankfully i'm not experiencing the crawl. The "crawl" is the sudden reentry into the normal pace of your life after living a brief (or extended) whirlwind existence. I don't feel the crawl right now in any way. I'm actually considering watching a movie (Black Dahlia ) and doing some reading. I'm retiring my "party-man" persona for at least one night.

Today was windy, and it felt as if the earth was yawning from the stresses and effects of 2007, ushering in the New Year. I felt somewhat introspective, looking out at the beautiful Kingston landscape, watching pink clouds hover over distant moutain tops, while soft oldies played in the background. Even though I don't particularly advocate the whole "New Years Resolution" thing, like anyone, I still feel like the new year has its beginnings.

In my last blog for 2007 I mentioned that a New Year is a continuation of the past, which is true, but when I felt that wind hit me today it felt like last year was washing itself away. There are many things I accomplished last year that I am proud of, and I have many interesting plans this year that I hope to accomplish as well.

I tell myself quite often that I am happy to be alive, happy to be sitting in my house on a cool January evening, drinking sorry and chewing a piece of pastry while I type on my blog. My friend told me something I liked tonight.
"Yes, youth, we just moving forward for the new year. Straight forward."

I agree. Forward is the place to go, and it is the only direction that exists. In a week I will be back in the cold, wintry atmosphere of Washington DC. But I'll also be smiling, hanging on to the last breath of 2007 and using it to fuel 2008.

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