In twenty-nine days i'm supposed to be a Spartan. A friend of mine suggested we all work out and get ripped over a 10 week period and then head out to a halloween party in briefs, red capes, with fake shields and masks as our protection against hordes of inebriated women. For me this is a 60% reality. I don't work out much, but i'm lucky to have the body type that makes people think I "might" work out, which is pretty cool, until I start bashing myself worse than a body builder who forgot his steroid injections.
I realize I've never even been to a Halloween party. To my knowledge we don't (and probably still do not ) celebrate Halloween where i'm from, which is Jamaica. I've always read about Jack-o-lanters and pumpkins and what not, but other than seeing that stuff in kids books and on television, there is no way in hell that random Jamaican parents are going to let their kids roam the streets asking for candy. Its just not done.
In 2002, I walked around a shady neighborhood wearing the mask from Scream, dressed in full black. I felt powerful and anonymous, watching people through the tinted veils of some mad writer's genius. But, I've never been to a Halloween party, so this year might be my first. I'm thinking about the choice of outfit. I can already foresee several other spartans in attendance, with many of them having beer bellies, hairy chests and tighter briefs than I might wear. I can also imagine one of these guys leaving with a girl for the night, while I, with my semi-okay six-pack, will probaly be sipping fruit punch and munching on condiments from the table beside the DJ.
Some aspects of being a spartan seem rather exciting, such as hearing a dancehall song play ( most likely this will be a Sean Paul song) and then someone raises their sword, shield, or fist and belts out, "SPARTANS!". Then we assemble on the dance floor and do awkward Jamaican dances in briefs and capes.
"Oh, there will be blood."
As I've always heard from a good friend of mine, Halloween is a prime occassion for people to hook up. Maybe it has something to do with wearing costumes and being relativley anonymous that gives people more confidence. A guy dressed like Batman might actually believe he is a billionaire with psychological issues, able to get any woman he desires with a swipe of his credit card. Or maybe the guy who dresses like a large teddy bear, is fulfilling some strange childhood fantasy involving himself, Teddy Ruxpin and several sweaty strippers. Whatever the reason, the rumours about Halloween hookups seem to have some merit. I think it takes a certain level of confidence or inebriation to go to a party as a Spartan. I mean, 99% of guys who watched 300 left the theater punching walls and ripping hair of their chests. Then they proceeded to engage in thousands of "Ambiguously gay" battles in their underwear, shouting "Tonight we dine in hell!" to which his friend might reply, "No! Tonight you dine in my ass douchebag!"
Maybe being a spartan will be a cool thing. I could be the one spartan that isn't filled with bloodlust, uber-manliness and a need to savagely take out his homoerotic tensions on waves of very ugly marauders. I might stand up in the middle of the party, with my cape wrapped comfortably around my torso, debating Science Fiction with the guy who came in dressed as Orson Welles. Then I may offer my condolences to Neo for dying at the end of the Matrix, give Batman a high five and then smile lustfully at any girls dressed as Nurses or Playboy bunnies.
I could have a shield, but i'm not sure how practical that would be on the dance floor. Blocking hundreds of arrows and the sharp blades of my enemies won't be necessary in the company of college students, people who work in non-profits and on the Hill. (Well, in terms of people on the Hill, I might need the shield.)
It would be fun to ben an intelligent Spartan, or maybe even a bipolar one. I could savagely kiss a girl i've never met, then run into a corner weeping because I acted like "less of a man". I could be the kind of Spartan that keeps the uber-cool "I can kick your ass with my little finger" vibe while expounding on the laudable attributes of Halo 3. I could be that spartan.
Nonethless, I have been doing nothing towards this goal. I'm too tired during the day to really go to the gym, and like I said before, I am luckly to somewhat look Spartan-esque without doing too much work. Exciting as the Spartan thing is, I think I might just go dress in a white collar shirt and a soft pair of plaid pants. Then, when I am asked what i'm dressed up as, I will give the reply Wednesday did in the Adamms Family movie.
"'I'm a psychotic killer. They look just like everyone else."
I realize I've never even been to a Halloween party. To my knowledge we don't (and probably still do not ) celebrate Halloween where i'm from, which is Jamaica. I've always read about Jack-o-lanters and pumpkins and what not, but other than seeing that stuff in kids books and on television, there is no way in hell that random Jamaican parents are going to let their kids roam the streets asking for candy. Its just not done.
In 2002, I walked around a shady neighborhood wearing the mask from Scream, dressed in full black. I felt powerful and anonymous, watching people through the tinted veils of some mad writer's genius. But, I've never been to a Halloween party, so this year might be my first. I'm thinking about the choice of outfit. I can already foresee several other spartans in attendance, with many of them having beer bellies, hairy chests and tighter briefs than I might wear. I can also imagine one of these guys leaving with a girl for the night, while I, with my semi-okay six-pack, will probaly be sipping fruit punch and munching on condiments from the table beside the DJ.
Some aspects of being a spartan seem rather exciting, such as hearing a dancehall song play ( most likely this will be a Sean Paul song) and then someone raises their sword, shield, or fist and belts out, "SPARTANS!". Then we assemble on the dance floor and do awkward Jamaican dances in briefs and capes.
"Oh, there will be blood."
As I've always heard from a good friend of mine, Halloween is a prime occassion for people to hook up. Maybe it has something to do with wearing costumes and being relativley anonymous that gives people more confidence. A guy dressed like Batman might actually believe he is a billionaire with psychological issues, able to get any woman he desires with a swipe of his credit card. Or maybe the guy who dresses like a large teddy bear, is fulfilling some strange childhood fantasy involving himself, Teddy Ruxpin and several sweaty strippers. Whatever the reason, the rumours about Halloween hookups seem to have some merit. I think it takes a certain level of confidence or inebriation to go to a party as a Spartan. I mean, 99% of guys who watched 300 left the theater punching walls and ripping hair of their chests. Then they proceeded to engage in thousands of "Ambiguously gay" battles in their underwear, shouting "Tonight we dine in hell!" to which his friend might reply, "No! Tonight you dine in my ass douchebag!"
Maybe being a spartan will be a cool thing. I could be the one spartan that isn't filled with bloodlust, uber-manliness and a need to savagely take out his homoerotic tensions on waves of very ugly marauders. I might stand up in the middle of the party, with my cape wrapped comfortably around my torso, debating Science Fiction with the guy who came in dressed as Orson Welles. Then I may offer my condolences to Neo for dying at the end of the Matrix, give Batman a high five and then smile lustfully at any girls dressed as Nurses or Playboy bunnies.
I could have a shield, but i'm not sure how practical that would be on the dance floor. Blocking hundreds of arrows and the sharp blades of my enemies won't be necessary in the company of college students, people who work in non-profits and on the Hill. (Well, in terms of people on the Hill, I might need the shield.)
It would be fun to ben an intelligent Spartan, or maybe even a bipolar one. I could savagely kiss a girl i've never met, then run into a corner weeping because I acted like "less of a man". I could be the kind of Spartan that keeps the uber-cool "I can kick your ass with my little finger" vibe while expounding on the laudable attributes of Halo 3. I could be that spartan.
Nonethless, I have been doing nothing towards this goal. I'm too tired during the day to really go to the gym, and like I said before, I am luckly to somewhat look Spartan-esque without doing too much work. Exciting as the Spartan thing is, I think I might just go dress in a white collar shirt and a soft pair of plaid pants. Then, when I am asked what i'm dressed up as, I will give the reply Wednesday did in the Adamms Family movie.
"'I'm a psychotic killer. They look just like everyone else."
Levaughnidas: "Marc'eles,what is thine profession!?!"
Marc'eles: "Er, psychotic killer dressed in plaid..?"
Levaughnidas: "Nayyyyyy!!!!!, You are a proud Spartan Warrior, arruff, ARRUFF, ARRRUFFFFFF!!!"
Sparta lives on Halloween!!!!!
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Bun di last links, sold out.
If u intend to b a Spartan, here's where I bought my costume.
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