Friday, August 31, 2007
Long weekend... Lofty goals
It's the labour day weekend here in the good old US of A. Today has been pretty interesting... I spent most of the day helping my mother out with her network marketing business (therefore helping mine as well) and I ended up going to Dinner with a former interest of mine.... i'm tired so I can't even blog that much....ciao...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tennis and Making goals
I can taste the salt on my face, and I know i'll need to take a bath tonight. For some reason I had an urge to play Tennis today. I happened upon a small knocking session recently, and I thought "why not?" i've been playing Tennis for twelve years... why stop now. I have a torn left ACL which makes certain kinds of physical activities a little scary... and when I was playing with this fellow today, I was leading 4-1 in our third set, I felt something twist in my knee and I knew the game would have to end soon. I'm competitive though, and I finished the set. The end score was 6-1, 0-6, 1-6 in my favour. It feels good to be 'back'.
(b) having long classes that require a lot of attention
(d) trying to eat, sleep and excercise properly between that.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
56,084 words and counting. May I dream of accolades and panties in my mailbox.
Bolex & Screenwriting days..

The class looks like it will be both challenging and interestng. My teacher is from
Europe but went to school in L.A so she has that mixture of L.A film-jaded sensibility and a hold-you-by the balls sort of dialogue. That's the best way I can describe a teacher who uses the word 'fuck' in the same sentence as 'Optimus Prime'. Profanity aside, things are really starting to shape up. After this semester i'll only have five really classes that i'll be doing, then its on to the big, wide world. I'm still thinking of grad school but i'm not sure what path to take. I really want to write, and film seems a bit... 'involved' as it were...but I'm reserving judgement. Today my screenwriting teacher seemed overly pleased to have a class of young black men doing screenwriting...which is weird because Howard is a black school...but I initially felt a little annoyed that I had to remove my hat.."You are men, " she told us. I dont' like that aspect of Howard...where certain professors put there own little philosophies on dress code and "what constitutes real manliness" upon the students. I live in an apartment, I pay thousands of dollars in tuition, I do NOT need a teacher telling me that I must take my hat off, or that if she heard 'bad things' about me that I must leave her class.
Either way, that aside, the rest of the class was intersting. We'll be doing a 30 page treatment of a movie idea we have, as the goal for the semester. As a guy who's written 37 pages in one day, that seems like a cakewalk. I'm glad to have the opportunity to get inside knowledge on the technical side of the writing, and it gives me an excuse to pen this really cool movie idea I have.
Now i'm thinking of heading to this place called Bus Boys and Poets. They do poetry on Tuesday nights...I think, and I feel like checking it out. Therefore, I am out.
I went to the lab and wrote four more pages of "Three weeks and ahurricane". I plan to finish the book in the next week and a half. I'm losing the vibe that comes with writing a new project, and its harder since i'm in the states and the book is based in Jamaica. I dont' want to get mentally warped by school before I finish the proj.
Monday, August 27, 2007
First day of school: Return of the Mac (again)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Mood Swings + Inspiration
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Writing can be painful: Return of the Mac
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Writing Challenge
I think the near future will hold good things, and I'll detail the processes of my writing. This semester i'm taking a scriptwriting class, which is interesting, because I've already penned two full length scripts and a treatment. I'll get the technical breakdown of the writing process that will take me from amateur to professional. I'll be doing some more writing for "3 weeks", which is
pretty much a non-fiction narrative about a guy (moi) who wants to find out what to do with his life in a month stay at home (Jamaica) during this period (unbeknownst to me when I started the book ) I end up partying hard, meeting interesting foreign women (and old flames), go through a hurricane, lose touch with a girl I love and make interesting observations on Jamaican culture and how they relate to my perception of myself and life on a whole... Either way, the project is a departure from my fiction writing, where I like to say I write: "...Like Dean Koontz, but not really." I was reading On Writing by Stephen King, and he made mention of "in between" writing projects, which allow a writer to breathe before hitting a heavy topic. So, "3 weeks" (or soon to be '4 weeks') was my breather project. A little bit about me, where I'm from and how Jamaica is cool/weird all at the same time. Its a little scary to write it, because it speaks a lot about my personal life, and i've always been a little gaurded about my "man-secrets". Its fun though, and almost written in the fashion of this blog, albeit with more random references and a coherent story flow. I have to say writing that project (I hit 85 pages after two weeks) was fun, because I had to pace it based on things I was doing. If I wasn't doing anything, I didn't write, so it was literally a 'work in progress'. I took a break for a week, partied hard and had at least another twenty pages of material type up. Then Hurricane Dean hit, and that night I added 6 more pages. My goal is almost achieved. I wanted to type no more than 120 pages for the entire project, and I'm at 91 page now. I belive the story can end after another 29 pages. To balance my effforts, I will try to punch out most of those pages this weekend in my school lab (free paper!) and then do the preliminary editing myself.
I'm planning on creating a group called "10 readers" which is a writing pool of ten people that are set to read one project, give thoughts, observations on errors and writing style, with the intention of polishing the project as best as possible. With ten people, I think opinions and error spotting would be well spread and a project can be fixed up much faster. Plus, a person could brag that they had "over ten people" read their book (they would be number 11). A work in progress.
Time for me to watch some television or continue plotting for my cribs-esque house.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Back in DC :p
Sunday, August 19, 2007

if necessary."
You know a storm is bad when the phone company starts wishing you well. My mother informs me the hurricane is moving south, meaning the eye is probably not going to pass over the island. Its still going to be bad, she says, and I think about when the Eye of a hurricane passes over and island. Its like the anteater pushing his snout into a terminte colony.
The storm is supposed to hit this afternoon, and i'm typing nervously, more so because the power is supposed to go any second, but I have a nice novel lined up. I made a lot of phone calls last night, and I'm waiting for the power to go out. I wanted a hug yesterday but now I don't know...I think I need something else, something I can't have: Security. My mother asks me to take out some garbage. I smile briefly. Even in the face of an impending disaster, life goes on.
See you after the storm.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Hurricane's Suck.... Hug Me
I haven't been in a Hurricane since 1988, when Hurricane Gilbert hit the island. It hit on September 12, 1988 as a Category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale. I was young then, and I remember hearing the winds howling over head, and bits and pieces of my house flying away like so many trees and pieces of Zinc fences. The last major hurrican to hit Jamaica was hurrican Ivan.... and I heard the horror stories. My sister told me how the house was flooded and they were marooned in a particular section of the house, having to stay there for no less than two months because of water accumulation everywhere else. Bad roofing caused leaks and even more flooding in other parts of the house, and it was a nightmare. I was at school in the states when Ivan hit in 2004 and now, three days before my scheduled flight to leave the Island i'm smack dab in the path of an oncoming monster. Only four days ago it was a tropical storm, but now its churning up the seas and gearing up to becoming a category five if its strength holds. Regardless of what happens, such hurricans are quite devastating and very dangerous. My father is going out to buy some books to read, food and various other supplies to deal with the aftermath of the storm. (i.e No power, limited transportation, no gas, no internet, no nothing!).
My take on the whole thing? I mean, it sucks that I have to be here when it happens of course, but there isn't anything I can do. A hurricane doesn't sit and watch Airline schedules or reads horoscopes with the hopes that it coincides with your month of bad luck. Anthropomorphism aside, I'll be in the blackness of radio silence for at least a few days, probably more, so I wanted to put this post up before the storm hits. Today is a beautiful day. There isn' t a cloud in the sky. Its a shimmering blue ceiling of nothingness, with bright sun rays shining down on everything especially bright. To most it would seem like any other day, but to me right now it seems like a warning, scary and foreboding. I hope it all works out.
My basic plan of operation is to grab a few books to pass the time. Possibly a personal flashlight and some candy for those long dark nights. I'm going to charge up my Ipod (a paltry 16 hour behemoth) and watch a few movies before Monday. I'll stock up on some of my favourite snacks, like Bun & Cheese and a lot of Ting soda and then prepare myself mentally by doing some deep breathing. I have no idea if I'll be going out tonight. In preparation for my departure back to school, I've been going out almost every night, and i'm sure the streets will be packed with people trying to get in one last drink or a dutty wine before their houses are awash with water and leaves, but i'll probably be holed up in my house, watching the sky.
A day go a friend of mine told me to look on the bright side, "At least", she said, "I'll be able to get some great pictures." I chuckled when I heard this at first (I like a lot of people, still though the storm was on its way elsewhere) but when I saw her again the day before the storm, there was on more laughter in her eyes. A storm of this magnitude is real. It rips trees from their roots, sends them hurtling through the air and it takes lives. The Electoral process will have to be postponed indefinitely, the fragile technological and economic infrastructure will be turned upside down for a few weeks, and productivity will come to a screeching halt for a while. Its a sad state of affairs when these things happen, but such is life they say. After hearing about this storm I'm realizing a few things. The first thing is that i'm guessing most of my friends don't know a Hurricane is going to hit Jamaica, because I haven't had a flurry of facebook messages telling me to "pack up some food" and "be safe", etcetera. My friends are probably chilling in the states, drinking and watching reruns of the Colbert Report on Youtube. It doesn't matter.
The second thing I realize is that its pointless to even want well wishes in the face of an inevitability. Its just try and get as comfortable as possible, prepare for extreme radio silence and the disappearance of all things technological, and figure out how to call American Airlines when all the phone lines and cell towers are down. Like this post said, Hurricanes suck, and I need a hug.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Negril Review Pt 1
I'm in Negril, that beautiful spot in that western section of Jamaica , lined with affordable hotels and outrageously priced jerk chicken. Its actually the Emancipation weekend, and myself and the other two or so million Jamaicans and a few scattered foreigners are all celebrating the change from British rule to Jamaican government. An interesting phenomenon came out of this weekend a few years ago. Most locals refer to it as "ATI" weekend, which really means Appleton Treasure Island. Sponsors have changed over the years, including Absolute Vodka from Smirnoff, and now the omnipotent Red Stripe. The weekened is wild; crazy all inclusive parties, girls that
make your eyes want to pop out of your head and at the end of it a gaping hole in your wallet. Parties and the origin aside, what made my trip was the selection of music, particularly three artistes that dominated the soundwaves. At each party, they would play T-pain's top three hits, "Bartender", "Buy you a drank" and his combo effort with rapper Plies on "Shawty". then they would roll into successive remixes of all these songs with Mavado and Munga Honorourable. In a successive rant i'll talk about the Munga-T-pain affair, but these guys completely stole the show. With thousands of relatively buzzed patrons at each party screaming along with these artistes' tracks, I can truly understand T-pain. When I first listened to his songs in the states, I acknowledged (like everyone else on the planet) that his songs were very catchy. But add sand under your feet, a beach vista behind you and a couple hundred hot girls, and "Buy you a drank" isn't a poppy hip-hop song anymore. It's an anthem. The reverberating bass throbbing through speakers fourteen feet high on Munga's "wine pon it and talk to me" makes you like the proverbial Clark Kent. Your glasses fall of and you hair becomes disshevled; you put on your superman so and go after the beautiful babes. Then Mavado comes in, with his usual crooning about Violence and the benefits of rough sex wiht random women, and you have a great formla for success. I can't wait till next year. :p
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Good Will Hunting

I'm watching this movie for maybe the fifth time, and chills run through me again as I see the amazing scene between Minnie Driver and Matt Damon, where their characters, Skylar and Will have that tense, expertly worded scene about love. Personally, that scene (along with the inevitable reconciliatoin with Will's psychiatrist, played by Robin Williams) always gives me a rush. Minnie is so believable in this role, I can see why it affects me. Like most of the audiences who watch these films, I almost genuinely believe these characters could be in love. Maybe people can teach monkeys to do sign language, and rats to hop throug hoops, but I can't imagine learning how to cry like that. Either way, I'm watching this film to feel a touch of life again. Next to Contact, starring another startlet of mine, Jodie Foster,this movie reminds me of a man's search for his own meaning.
Even a super-genius with love issues needs to find himself. So maybe a average
joe like moi can find himself too. Emoticon time... :